Charlotte Mills (University of Sheffield)
Using Graphic Novels to Critically Examine Women’s Human Rights, the “Ideal” Victim, and Justice
Ming-Yuan Chin (Keio University)
Exploring Same-Sex Marriage in Japan: A Philosophical Perspective
Dawid Bunikowski (State University of Applied Sciences in Wloclawek (Poland) University of Eastern Finland, University of Guyana)
Criminology of Abortion in Finland
Yun-Hsien Diana Lin and Yu Ting Hsueh (National Tsing Hua University, Institute of Law for Science and Technology)
Adolescents Undergoing Abortion: Autonomy, Parental Involvement Law and Judicial Bypass Procedures
Hirono Ikeda (Yamagata University),
Sexual Diversity and Japanese Law: the Importance of Accurate and Careful Understanding
Sheena Swemmer (Centre for Applied Legal Studies, University of the Witwatersrand)
A Chronicle of Brutality: How Violence Has Defined the History of Hate Crime Legislation in South Africa
Yi-Wen Huang (Humboldt University of Berlin and National Taipei University)
Human Dignity as the Basis and Boundary of the Protection Object of Criminal Law
He Liu (Fudan University)
The Aims of Punishment : Development and Deconstruction
Sang Oh Kim (Seoul National University)
Justifying Unknowing Justification
Nathaly Veloso Lehnen (University of Coimbra)
The re-reading of Stalking in a new environment: Cyberstalking
Esko Yli-Hemminki (University of Helsinki)
The Political Assumption of Criminal Law's Person
Francesco Biondo (University of Palermo)
When Victims’ Rights Hinder Peace: The Case of Denied Compensation for International War Crimes during II world war
Hock Lai Ho (National University of Singapore)
The Presumption of Guilt
Rocío Medina Martín (Autonomous University of Barcelona)
Criminalizing Effects of Anti-sexual Trafficking Policies on Women: the Spanish and Argentine Cases
Hyun Kyong Joo (Chungnam National University Law School)
Legal Interest of Criminal Law in the Fourth Generation of Human Rights Era
Kristina Mickens (New York University)
State Wrongdoing, Justice, and the Rule of Law
Amin Labbafi (University of Helsinki)
Law-space And the City: The Inscription of Law on the Physical Space
Benedikt Pirker and Izabela Skoczeń (Universität Freiburg i. Üe, Switzerland, UJ)
The Anthropocentric Bias of Ecocide
Andrés Payer (University of Zurich)
Delinquieren für das Klima. Die Beurteilung von Straftaten zum Klimaprotest in der Schweiz
Antonio Miño López and Patricia Valcárcel Fernández (UNIVERSITY OF VIGO)
Institutional Reaction of the European Union against Nitrate Pollution
Jacopo Ciani Sciolla (University of Turin)
Taking the Environment Seriously: Assessing the Crisis of the Environmental Rule of Law
Alexandra Trofimov, Jon Williamson (University of Kent)
Applying Evidential Pluralism to Evidence-Based Law: EBL+
Johann Benfeld (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso)
The Proof of Institutional Fact
Yukyung Beom (Seoul National University)
Judgments as Message: Investigating Out-of-Court Communication
Lu Liu,
A Legal and Cultural Analysis of Mediation Justice in the Light of Big Data—— a Cut from the Research in District N of a City in Western China
Amarilys Abreu (UNITO)
Strategic Litigations of Sovereignty: Argentina’s Foreign Private Debt Case from 2001-2016
Tuğçem Seçer (Başkent University)
Legal Reliability in Civil Disputes: Turkey Example
Aurelio de Prada García (Rey Juan Carlos University)
I, SOCRATES, ONE OF US. The Trial of Socrates and the Unperceived Individualistic Prejudice
Alexander Stachurski, Michał Rachalski, Tadeusz Zbiegień (Jagiellonian University)
Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Approach To The Abuse of Pre-Trial Detention in Poland
Marek Smolak (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań)
Choosing Judicial Philosophies in Constitutional Interpretation
Emeric Prévost (Meiji University, University of Vienna, University of Strasbourg)
Rethinking Private International Law Methodology: The case for a Cosmopolitan System of Transnational Justice
Kuan-Ting Chen, Yun-Chien Chang (National Chengchi University, Cornell Law School)
How to Do Legal Interpretation with Comparative Law: A Methodological Reflection and Reconstruction
Paulina Jabłońska (Jagiellonian University)
Constitutional Interpretation in Times of Constitutional Crisis: On Abusive Constitutional Interpretation
Sara Smyczek-Golebiewska (University of Silesia in Katowice)
Equity versus Legal Certainty in Judicial Decision-Making
Diogo Sasdelli (Donau-Universität Krems)
Philosophical Rhetoric and Deontic Logic in Legal Reasoning
Bei Yang (University of International Business and Economics)
Normativity of Ordinary People in Judicial Reasoning
Jen Hendry (University of Leeds School of Law)
Socio-Legal Trajectories across Europe: Comparative Perspectives
Andrea Bertolini (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna)
Legal Interpretation and Gap-Filling. How the Legal System Keeps the Pace of any (Technological) Innovation, and the Role of Ethics in Technology Regulation
Jia Liu (South China University of Technology)
Information Technology and Principles of Justice: A Rawlsian Approach
Andrzej Porębski (Jagiellonian University)
The Opacity of Judicial Reasoning vs. the Opacity of Machine Learning Systems Assisting Judges: Can these Issues be Juxtaposed when Discussing the Black-Box Problem?
Ana Flávia Pedroso Silva (University of Lisbon)
The Technological Balance of Justice: How Artificial Intelligence is Shaping the Rule of Law
Alessandro Drigo, Rüya Toparlak (Justus Liebig University of Giessen, University of Lucerne)
Redefining (Legal) Personhood: Confronting Technological and Intergenerational Challenges
Pascal Soepper
Ethical Challenges in Training Artificial Intelligence
Mariapia Romeo (University of Pisa)
Vulnerability and Artificial Intelligence
Lucas Miotto and Jiahong Chen (University of Surrey, University of Sheffield)
Manipulation and Digital Pollution
Andréa Naccache (Universidade de São Paulo)
Algorithmic Randomness: On Justice and Language Structures
Chinmay Deshmukh (BITS Law School, Mumbai)
Hayek Meets Blockchain: Analyzing the Spontaneous Order of Blockchain Protocol Governance
Niels Van Dijk, Simone Casiraghi (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
Digital Ethics as a New Site to Address the Law-Morality Question
Cezary Weglinski (University of Warsaw)
Social Groups as Public/Private Spaces. Constitutionalism in the Network, Digital Society
Zhicheng He (Stockholm University)
Striking a Balance: Justice, Privacy, and the Future of Health Data Regulation
Ljubiša Metikoš, Iris van Domselaar (Institute for Information Law, Faculty of Law, University of Amsterdam)
Explaining and Contesting Judicial AI: Insights from Theories of Procedural Justice
Tashfeen Ahmad (The University of the West Indies)
Preparing Law Students for the Future of Work: Eye on AI
Matteo Caldironi (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)
The Italian Constitutional Court and Legislature: Balancing Competences on Artificial Reproductive Technologies
Jaedo Jung (The Institute for Legal Studies of the Sogang University)
Utilization of Public Data for Public Interest : Case Analysis of Open Data in France and South Korea
Xingzhong Yu (University of Macau)
Game Capitalism: The Economics of Virtual Worlds
Xinyun Zhang
Practice-Based Theory of Law as an Institutional Artifact
Siqi Wang (Harbin Engineering University)
The Risk and Governance of the Minors" Rights in the Metaverse from the Perspective of Private Law