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WGs assigned from 14:00 to 16:00 can continue in the same room until 18:15.

3. Gender and Law

WG 09
Chair: Charlotte Mills (University of Sheffield)
  • Charlotte Mills (University of Sheffield)

    Using Graphic Novels to Critically Examine Women’s Human Rights, the “Ideal” Victim, and Justice

  • Ming-Yuan Chin (Keio University)

    Exploring Same-Sex Marriage in Japan: A Philosophical Perspective

  • Dawid Bunikowski (State University of Applied Sciences in Wloclawek (Poland) University of Eastern Finland, University of Guyana)

    Criminology of Abortion in Finland

  • Yun-Hsien Diana Lin and Yu Ting Hsueh (National Tsing Hua University, Institute of Law for Science and Technology)

    Adolescents Undergoing Abortion: Autonomy, Parental Involvement Law and Judicial Bypass Procedures

  • Hirono Ikeda (Yamagata University),

    Sexual Diversity and Japanese Law: the Importance of Accurate and Careful Understanding

4. Philosophy of Criminal Law

WG 10
Chair: Sheena Swemmer (Centre for Applied Legal Studies, University of the Witwatersrand)
  • Sheena Swemmer (Centre for Applied Legal Studies, University of the Witwatersrand)

    A Chronicle of Brutality: How Violence Has Defined the History of Hate Crime Legislation in South Africa

  • Yi-Wen Huang (Humboldt University of Berlin and National Taipei University)

    Human Dignity as the Basis and Boundary of the Protection Object of Criminal Law

  • He Liu (Fudan University)

    The Aims of Punishment : Development and Deconstruction

  • Sang Oh Kim (Seoul National University)

    Justifying Unknowing Justification

  • Nathaly Veloso Lehnen (University of Coimbra)

    The re-reading of Stalking in a new environment: Cyberstalking

  • Esko Yli-Hemminki (University of Helsinki)

    The Political Assumption of Criminal Law's Person

  • Francesco Biondo (University of Palermo)

    When Victims’ Rights Hinder Peace: The Case of Denied Compensation for International War Crimes during II world war

WG 11
Chair: Hock Lai Ho (National University of Singapore)
  • Hock Lai Ho (National University of Singapore)

    The Presumption of Guilt

  • Rocío Medina Martín (Autonomous University of Barcelona)

    Criminalizing Effects of Anti-sexual Trafficking Policies on Women: the Spanish and Argentine Cases

  • Hyun Kyong Joo (Chungnam National University Law School)

    Legal Interest of Criminal Law in the Fourth Generation of Human Rights Era

  • Kristina Mickens (New York University)

    State Wrongdoing, Justice, and the Rule of Law

5. Law and Social Environment

WG 12
Chair: Antonio Miño López (UNIVERSITY OF VIGO)
  • Amin Labbafi (University of Helsinki)

    Law-space And the City: The Inscription of Law on the Physical Space

  • Benedikt Pirker and Izabela Skoczeń (Universität Freiburg i. Üe, Switzerland, UJ)

    The Anthropocentric Bias of Ecocide

  • Andrés Payer (University of Zurich)

    Delinquieren für das Klima. Die Beurteilung von Straftaten zum Klimaprotest in der Schweiz

  • Antonio Miño López and Patricia Valcárcel Fernández (UNIVERSITY OF VIGO)

    Institutional Reaction of the European Union against Nitrate Pollution

  • Jacopo Ciani Sciolla (University of Turin)

    Taking the Environment Seriously: Assessing the Crisis of the Environmental Rule of Law

6. Theory of Procedure

WG 13
Chair: Aurelio de Prada García (Rey Juan Carlos University)
  • Alexandra Trofimov, Jon Williamson (University of Kent)

    Applying Evidential Pluralism to Evidence-Based Law: EBL+

  • Johann Benfeld (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso)

    The Proof of Institutional Fact

  • Yukyung Beom (Seoul National University)

    Judgments as Message: Investigating Out-of-Court Communication

  • Lu Liu,

    A Legal and Cultural Analysis of Mediation Justice in the Light of Big Data—— a Cut from the Research in District N of a City in Western China

  • Amarilys Abreu (UNITO)

    Strategic Litigations of Sovereignty: Argentina’s Foreign Private Debt Case from 2001-2016

  • Tuğçem Seçer (Başkent University)

    Legal Reliability in Civil Disputes: Turkey Example

  • Aurelio de Prada García (Rey Juan Carlos University)

    I, SOCRATES, ONE OF US. The Trial of Socrates and the Unperceived Individualistic Prejudice

  • Alexander Stachurski, Michał Rachalski, Tadeusz Zbiegień (Jagiellonian University)

    Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Approach To The Abuse of Pre-Trial Detention in Poland

7. Methodology of Law

WG 14
Chair: Marek Smolak (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań)
  • Marek Smolak (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań)

    Choosing Judicial Philosophies in Constitutional Interpretation

  • Emeric Prévost (Meiji University, University of Vienna, University of Strasbourg)

    Rethinking Private International Law Methodology: The case for a Cosmopolitan System of Transnational Justice

  • Kuan-Ting Chen, Yun-Chien Chang (National Chengchi University, Cornell Law School)

    How to Do Legal Interpretation with Comparative Law: A Methodological Reflection and Reconstruction

  • Paulina Jabłońska (Jagiellonian University)

    Constitutional Interpretation in Times of Constitutional Crisis: On Abusive Constitutional Interpretation

  • Sara Smyczek-Golebiewska (University of Silesia in Katowice)

    Equity versus Legal Certainty in Judicial Decision-Making

  • Diogo Sasdelli (Donau-Universität Krems)

    Philosophical Rhetoric and Deontic Logic in Legal Reasoning

  • Bei Yang (University of International Business and Economics)

    Normativity of Ordinary People in Judicial Reasoning

  • Jen Hendry (University of Leeds School of Law)

    Socio-Legal Trajectories across Europe: Comparative Perspectives

  • Andrea Bertolini (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna)

    Legal Interpretation and Gap-Filling. How the Legal System Keeps the Pace of any (Technological) Innovation, and the Role of Ethics in Technology Regulation

8. Law and Technology

WG 15
Chair: Mariapia Romeo (University of Pisa)
  • Jia Liu (South China University of Technology)

    Information Technology and Principles of Justice: A Rawlsian Approach

  • Andrzej Porębski (Jagiellonian University)

    The Opacity of Judicial Reasoning vs. the Opacity of Machine Learning Systems Assisting Judges: Can these Issues be Juxtaposed when Discussing the Black-Box Problem?

  • Ana Flávia Pedroso Silva (University of Lisbon)

    The Technological Balance of Justice: How Artificial Intelligence is Shaping the Rule of Law

  • Alessandro Drigo, Rüya Toparlak (Justus Liebig University of Giessen, University of Lucerne)

    Redefining (Legal) Personhood: Confronting Technological and Intergenerational Challenges

  • Pascal Soepper

    Ethical Challenges in Training Artificial Intelligence

  • Mariapia Romeo (University of Pisa)

    Vulnerability and Artificial Intelligence

WG 16
Chair: Chinmay Deshmukh (BITS Law School, Mumbai)
  • Lucas Miotto and Jiahong Chen (University of Surrey, University of Sheffield)

    Manipulation and Digital Pollution

  • Andréa Naccache (Universidade de São Paulo)

    Algorithmic Randomness: On Justice and Language Structures

  • Chinmay Deshmukh (BITS Law School, Mumbai)

    Hayek Meets Blockchain: Analyzing the Spontaneous Order of Blockchain Protocol Governance

  • Niels Van Dijk, Simone Casiraghi (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)

    Digital Ethics as a New Site to Address the Law-Morality Question

  • Cezary Weglinski (University of Warsaw)

    Social Groups as Public/Private Spaces. Constitutionalism in the Network, Digital Society

  • Zhicheng He (Stockholm University)

    Striking a Balance: Justice, Privacy, and the Future of Health Data Regulation

  • Ljubiša Metikoš, Iris van Domselaar (Institute for Information Law, Faculty of Law, University of Amsterdam)

    Explaining and Contesting Judicial AI: Insights from Theories of Procedural Justice

  • Tashfeen Ahmad (The University of the West Indies)

    Preparing Law Students for the Future of Work: Eye on AI

WG 17
Chair: Xingzhong Yu (University of Macau)
  • Matteo Caldironi (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)

    The Italian Constitutional Court and Legislature: Balancing Competences on Artificial Reproductive Technologies

  • Jaedo Jung (The Institute for Legal Studies of the Sogang University)

    Utilization of Public Data for Public Interest : Case Analysis of Open Data in France and South Korea

  • Xingzhong Yu (University of Macau)

    Game Capitalism: The Economics of Virtual Worlds

  • Xinyun Zhang

    Practice-Based Theory of Law as an Institutional Artifact

  • Siqi Wang (Harbin Engineering University)

    The Risk and Governance of the Minors" Rights in the Metaverse from the Perspective of Private Law

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