Working Groups
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WGs assigned from 14:00 to 16:00 can continue in the same room until 18:15.

1. Rule of Law

WG 01
Chair: Sofya Koval (HSE University)
  • David Lefkowitz (University of Richmond),

    Civil Liability for Civil Disobedience

  • Sofya Koval (HSE University),

    The Concept of "Pravovoe gosudarstvo" (Legal State) in Russia

  • Makoto Usami (Kyoto University),

    The Rule of Law as Opposed to the Rule of Man: Contemporary Implications of the Historical Idea

  • Aleardo Zanghellini (University of Reading),

    The Foundations of the Rule of Law

  • Hai Thanh Doan (University of Otago),

    The Rule of Law in and Beyond Times of Public Health Emergency and the Logic of the Precautionary Principle

  • Zoltán J. Tóth (Károli Gáspár University),

    Meanings of the Rule of Law: Conceptual Considerations and Core Content

  • Vladyslava Kaplina (University of Lisbon School of Law, Lisbon Public Law Research Centre),

    Rule of Law v. Rule of Code. A Tale of Two “Rules”

WG 02
Chair: Ion Craiovan (IVR Romanian Section)
  • Michihiro Kaino (Doshisha University),

    Bentham’s Preventive Police and the Rule of Law

  • Ion Craiovan (IVR Romanian Section),

    Law-Culture Symbiosis is a Major Premise of the Rule of Law

  • Carlos Isler (Universidad San Sebastián)

    Natural Rights, Natural Law and the Rule of Law in John Locke

  • Michal Sopinski (University of Justice),

    Shaping Rule of Law - or Benefits of adopting New Classical Natural Law Theory Based on a Priority of Persons

  • Bogdan Cuza,

    On the Rule of Law from the Perspective of Legal Ethnology

  • Mihai Badescu (Bucharest University of Economic Studies),

    Vulnerabilities of the Contemporary Rule of Law

WG 03
Chair: Ye Guo (Beijing Normal University)
  • Ye Guo (Beijing Normal University),

    The Logical Construction and Unfolding of the Concept of Chinese Modernization of the Rule of Law

  • Xiaohui Sun (University of Goettingen),

    The Planning Theory and Rule of Law

  • Jiongnan Sun (Nanjing University),

    The Collapse of the Formal Rule of Law in Poland and the Curbing of it - Rethinking the Theory of the Rule of Law

  • Hyun Hee Kim (Institute for Legal Studies, Yonsei University),

    What Does Migrants’ Illegality Tell about the Rule of Law and Social Justice?: An Anthropological Approach to Doing and Undoing Law

  • Jeongin Ko (Yonsei University),

    Embracing Tyche amid the Fickle Rule of Law: Focusing on Martha Nussbaum’s Fragility of Goodness

WG 04
Chair: Isabel Novosad (Asociación PADEC)
  • Isabel Novosad (Asociación PADEC)

    The Rule of Law Affected by the Use and Availability of Capital

  • Kolisis Nikolaos (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens),

    Genetic Interventions and a Society of Free and Equal Citizens

  • Ramona Duminica (University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Faculty of Economic Sciences and Law)

    Ensuring the Predictability and Accessibility of the Law - a Difficult Task for the Rule of Law. Romania’s Situation

    Challenges and Opportunities in Legal Drafting through Large Language Model

  • Arthur Cristóvão Prado (Universidade de São Paulo),

    Public Lawyering Under the Rule of Law: loyalty to the Administration and Fidelity to Law in Public Sector Legal Ethics

  • Luís Duarte de Almeida (NOVA School of Law; Edinburgh Law School)

    On “Permissive” Sources of Law

WG 05
Chair: Stuart Lakin (University of Reading)
  • Teresa Chirkowska-Smolak (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań)

    Challenging the Rule of Law: Stress and Burnout in the Polish Judiciary During Constitutional Crisis

  • Stuart Lakin (University of Reading)

    The Rule of Law and Disagreement

  • Fumihiko Ishiyama (Chuo University)

    Globalization and the Duty to Obey the Law

  • Katarína Šipulová, Lukáš Hamřík, Etienne Hanelt, Hubert Smekal (Masaryk University, University of Oxford, Maynooth University)

    Deciding, Using, Sanctioning: Insights into the European Commission’s Rule of Law Toolbox

  • Johan Hagelin (Uppsala University),

    How can the Principle of Legality be Upheld in Tax Law?

  • Giulia Meo (Uppsala University)

    Emergency, Suspension and Necessity

2. Law and Rights

WG 06
Chair: Marina Davydova (Volgograd State University)
  • Şule Şahi̇n Ceylan (Marmara University)

    An Anthropology of Natural Rights

  • Cristina Piga (Jagiellonian University)

    Beyond “Western" Thought: A Religious Perspective on the Conceptualisation of Human Rights

  • Yumi Fujimaki (Waseda University)

    Can the Moral Right to Civil Disobedience be Defended?

  • Marina Davydova (Volgograd State University)

    Regulatory Sandbox as an example of Experimental Legal Regulation (Russian experience)

  • Kumie Hattori (Kyoto University)

    Positivist Theory of Human Rights: Explaining Violations

  • Ioannis Katsaroumpas and Maria Kotsoni (University of Sussex, European University Institute)

    The 2022 Amendment to the 1998 ILO Declaration: A Constitutional Amendment Perspective

  • Adelheid van Luipen (Maastricht University)

    New Materialism and Rights for Nature: Rights for the River Maas?

  • Marco Benedetti (Università di Pisa)

    Linguistic Minority Rights in Political Chambers in Light of Natural Law Principles: A Comparative Analysis of Spanish and Italian Parliamentary Systems

WG 07
Chair: Celia Filipa Ferreira Matias (University of Macau, Faculty of Law)
  • Celia Filipa Ferreira Matias (University of Macau, Faculty of Law)

    Principles and Counterprinciples in Copyright Law

  • Kosuke Kiyama (University of Tsukuba Japan)

    The Human Right to Health: Delineating its Requirements

  • Yuu Matsuno (Chiba University)

    Does the Theory of Rights Forfeiture Justify Punishment?

  • Taisa Maria Macena De Lima and Maria De Fátima Freire De Sá (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais),

    Therapeutic Refusal by Elderly People

  • Sergio Ruiz Díaz Arce (University of Minho),

    The Use of Topics in the Jurisprudence on Children's Rights of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights

WG 08
Chair: Agnieszka Nogal (University of Warsaw)
  • Agnieszka Nogal (University of Warsaw),

    Various Models of Justifying Human Dignity in the Term of Practical Rationality

  • Chea Yun Jung (POSTECH)

    Reimagining Modern Subjects and Rights in the Anthropocene

  • Lara Zorn (Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg)

    Evolving Human Rights. The Change in the Understanding and Purpose of Human Rights within the System of the European Convention on Human Rights

  • Corina Dumitrescu (Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University)

    Good Governance - a sine qua non condition for achieving the rule of law

  • Alexandru Stefanescu (Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University)

    Law and Time: a cultural perspective from Lucian Blaga's philosophy

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