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The Rule of Law, Justice and the Future of Democracy

We live in times of crisis – a crisis of the rule of law, of justice and democracy. The rule of law is being attacked in many countries around the world with the aim to solidify political power and weaken political opponents. The concrete meaning of the idea of justice is particularly contested in times of political and economic insecurity, of existential challenges created by climate change spanning over generations and of war. Democracy for a long time was held to be a self-evident guiding idea of political self-organization of human beings because it institutionalizes structures to exercise political autonomy. Today, it is in great danger to erode in political communities around the world.

In these times of crisis, a fundamental, historically informed, critical debate on the foundations of the rule of law, of justice and democracy is of great importance. The organizers of the IVR 2024 are doing, therefore, a great service not only to the international intellectual and scientific community of scholars reflecting upon the philosophy of law and social philosophy but also to a cultural lifeworld that supports and defends these great but fragile ideas which this congress will explore with as much passion as knowledge.

Matthias Mahlmann, President IVR



Welcome Message from IVR2024 Organizing Committee

We sincerely welcome you to the IVR Congress in Seoul, which will be held from July 7th to July 12th, 2024. It is a great honor to host the IVR Congress in Korea for the first time in Korean history. Today, we face crises, disasters, and challenges in many areas of society and nations in the global world. Furthermore, while Covid 19 changed the lives of people around the world, digital transformation is accelerating.

The main theme of IVR 2024 is “The Rule of Law, Justice, and the Future of Democracy.” Most scholars would probably agree that ‘the rule of law’ and ‘justice’ are key issues at a turning point in human history. Thinking about ‘the future of democracy also shares its context with the political philosophy that seeks to protect the value of ‘the rule of law’ and ‘justice.’

The fact that the IVR Congress will be held in Korea at such an important time is of great historical significance, and we hope that the congress in Seoul could contribute to the common assets of International Philosophy and Social Philosophy. As a hosting Country, we hope that our venue could be a place where participants from all over the world can ponder over the past, present, and future of the philosophy of law and social philosophy.

We hope that all participants will savor every moment of this academic festival and the in-depth academic experience in person.

Thank you to everyone for your interest in the 2024 IVR Congress, and we look forward to seeing you in Seoul soon.
Welcome Message from the President of Soongsil University
Beomsik Jang
(President of Soongsil Universy)
Dear esteemed participants and guests,

It is an honor to host the 31st World Congress of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (the 31st IVR Congress) for the first time in Korea at Soongsil University. The scholars participating in plenary lectures, special panels, presentations, and discussions, and those who attend the conference for the sake of intellectual interests amid their busy schedules, make us admire and respect their passion. 
The year 2024 marks the 300th anniversary of the birth of Immanuel Kant. The importance of moral judgment emphasized by Kant still has a great influence on our society. The theme of the 31st IVR Congress (IVR 2024), “The Rule of Law, Justice and the Future of Democracy” is also a meaningful topic in the society in which we live in cooperation with other members while being considerate according to the just, fair, and reasonable principles that the 21st century aims for. From its foundation in Pyongyang in 1897, the history of Soongsil University which we have been trying to preserve until today is based on the belief in protecting justice, one of the themes of this conference. 
I believe that this congress will shed new light on the significance of legal and philosophical values and that all participating scholars have a mission and pride in leading legal and social philosophy at the domestic and global levels. I would like to conclude my welcome message by wishing that the International Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR), which was founded in Berlin in 1909 and will celebrate its 115th anniversary in 2024, will continue to achieve academic and social prosperity. 
I would like to express my gratitude again to the esteemed participants and guests who have traveled a long way for this, and the organizing committee and everyone who helped prepare this event with great care over a long time.