Home - IVR 2024
Consequences of AI for Law, Ethics, and Society
Eric Anderson (Soongsil University, South Korea) erichainz@gmail.com
Akihiko Morita (Shokei Gakuin University, Japan) fwge1820@gmail.com
Jin-Sook Yun (Soongsil University, South Korea) jsyun@ssu.ac.kr
We live in an era of AI, such as ChatGPT. As a consequence, we will experience shifts in how we perceive ourselves as human beings, in our relationships with AI, laws about AI and the limits of those laws, and other matters concerning the interrelation of AI and legal regulation, including its relation to human rights.
Akihiko Morita thoughtfully examines concerns that AIs will replace human beings in some jobs, noting ethical and social implications. Morita explores how AI technologies make us and our society humbler, citing Kiyoshi Miki’s argument that human actions change not only the world but also our perceptions of who we are as human beings. Morita presents the "techno-rebel" argument put forward by Alvin Toffler and the critical exploration of human-computer interaction developed by Terry Winograd, and Fernando Flores. Morita examines the documents on generative AI, such as the Hiroshima Process and the G7 Statement. Finally, Morita argues to find a philosophical framework for this topic and ideas on the regulation and governance of AI technologies.
Jin-Sook Yun and Eric Anderson examine legal and ethical challenges regarding several related fields of AI. Yun argues that most current positive laws rest on humancentered notions of rights and responsibilities, treating AIs as objects rather than recognizing AIs as legal persons. This raises difficulties when an Al is involved in a legal or illegal act. AI technology also raises newdimensions of human-rights issues in cyberspace and AI-deployed technologies, which are often designed to reflect submissive roles or the voices of minority groups. Finally, Yun calls for considering human rights in the deployment of AI, beyond simple market-driven concerns.
We look forward to your participation in this special workshop.