Home - IVR 2024
The Life First Principle: A New Benchmark for Testing Artificial Intelligence based on Replacing the Turing Test
Fei Xiaobing (Law School of Chongqing University, China) cicisunxiaoxi@gmail.com
Fei Xiaobing (Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications)
Sun Xiaoxi
Dai Yuxia

Reflecting on views such as dualism (e.g., functionalism, connectionism) that serve as justifications for strong AI based on non-dualistic neo-Daoism and other new philosophies of science and technology, this paper finds that Searle's sense of the problem consists in refuting the residual dualistic justifications of AGI theorists, who assert that the mind is dichotomous from the body and AGI is capable of egoenabled birth to a mind-consciousness. Is it really the case? The problem of the Turing test is that as long as mental consciousness is not introduced in AI, which doesn’t have the same quintessential structure as life, how can it as a third-person know whether the first-person AI's understanding is really based on consciousness or on an inorganic anthropomorphic programmed evolution?
By reflecting on this and analyzing the differences between human life and unconscious AI, this paper deduces that the Dao in the phenomenal realm presents itself as a hierarchical development from inorganic, organic to spiritual life. Non-living AI has only inorganic matter and energy as its two elements, while life of the plant has only organic matter and structural energy, and spiritual life has its spirit, that is, a system chemically combined and isomorphized by three elements as organic matter, structural energy, and spirit. Therefore, the differences between life and unconscious AI is that life has one more element, namely, "God" (spirit, consciousness) than AI that only has matter and energy, and thus unconscious AI can be programmed to "measure accuracy" and react spontaneously, while Life enjoys the flexibility, imperceptible "conscious" response and its physical -mental interactions, that is, life is an internal process of change, not an entity. Algorithms cannot be capable of abiding by the law of nature and covering the whole range of the world in that there is a possibility for the human spirit to reach pure conscience, but conscience is born in response to something and perishes without human spirit in that it not an entity. Besides, algorithms are expressed only through logic symbols. Human life can have "extra-verbal meanings", which are not expressed through language, and one of the characteristics of life is that its energy is a life-sustaining, structural energy (qi) that can be transformed into organic matter.
Therefore, to be a self-consistent living being, AI should also be an isomorphism and an incarnation of essence (matter, energy, and consciousness), but not just a sufficiency of life when intelligence mimics the functional traces of the psyche of life as understood by Rehoboth Functionalism. Whether it is based on carbon or silicon, if a strong artificial intelligence is born, it will not be based on dualistic thinking, but will only be born under non-dualistic thinking by scientists putting consciousness into AI, which will result in a synthesized life feature with a body and mind that are isomorphic with essence, energy and spirit, as well as its true intuition and consciousness. The Turing test should be replaced by this integrated life feature as a new benchmark for testing artificial intelligence. The deeper reason for "robots must not harm individual human beings" is based on the principle of the priority of life, i.e., the principle of the priority of life means that whether it is carbon-based, siliconbased, or whatever, it must be characterized by the indivisibility of mind and matter, or the inseparability of essence and spirit and their mutual interaction to be visible life on Earth, so that life is prioritized over non-life. Related to this, the subject of criminal punishment has a comprehensive life characteristic such as essence, spirit, emotion and will, and so does civil law and other laws. If they do not have this comprehensive life characteristic, they cannot be subjects of law.