Home - IVR 2024
Discussing Postema’s Law’s Rule
Gulriz Uygur (University of Ankara, Turkey) gulrizuygur@gmail.com
Konstantinos Papageorgiou (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece) kpapag@law.uoa.gr
Jasminka Hasanbegovic (University of Belgrade, Serbia) hasanbegovic.j@gmail.com
Moderator: Konstantinos Papageorgiou (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)

Introductory presentation: Gerald J. Postema (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill),
Rule of Law: Core and Commitments;
Discussion: Marijan Pavčnik (University of Ljubljana), Argumentative Nature of the Rule of Law Argument (online);
Gülriz Uygur (University of Ankara), Legal Community and the Rule of Law; Isabel Trujillo (University of Palermo), The Human Factor and the Rule of Law in Postema’s Perspective: Fidelity to Law as a Virtue of Lawyers; Jasminka Hasanbegović (University of Belgrade), Postema’s Idea of the Sovereignty of Law as an Element of the Law’s Rule; Igor Milinković (University of Banjaluka), Postema on AI Threats to the Rule of Law (online); Ivana Tucak (University of Osijek), Postema on States of Emergency – Within or Beyond the Rule of Law; Tanasije Marinković (University of Belgrade), Postema’s Fidelity Principle as a Necessary Condition of the Realisation of the Law’s Rule: Lessons from the Judicial Culture of the Western Balkan Countries (online); Bojana Čučković (University of Belgrade), International Rule of Law – The Rule of Law Beyond and Within Borders (online);
Commentators: Matthias Mahlmann (University of Zurich) and Mortimer Sellers (University System of Maryland).
The introductory presentation of the main ideas of Postema’s Law’s Rule will be given by the author himself, and followed by other special workshop participants’ critical analysis and appraisal of his rule of law conception, as well as by discussion of each contribution. The convenors invite researchers to make presentations, comments and debates on various points of Postema’s conception or on the conception as a whole.
Prospective participants should submit their proposals (a title, an abstract of not less than 700 words or a ca. 6,000 characters paper including footnotes, and a brief academic CV under 200 words) written in English. The deadline for the proposals is May 31. The accepted contributions will be distributed to all participants of this special workshop without delay.
The workshop shall be held in English.
The outcomes discussed at the special workshop 113 will be submitted for publishing in a book as a collection of scientific articles.
Contact person for further inquiries is Jasminka Hasanbegović (hasanbegovic.j@gmail.com).