Home - IVR 2024
Legal Theory Education: Building Bridges into the Future
Lorenz Schulz (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/Main, Germany) l.schulz@jur.uni-frankfurt.de
Andrés Santacoloma (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/Main, Germany) andres_santacoloma@hotmail.com
Date Tuesday, July 9, 2024
Time 17:00 – 18.30 hr
Location Soongsil University

Convened by Prof. Dr. Lorenz Schulz, M.A., and Andrés Santacoloma
European Academy of Legal Theory (EALT; www.legaltheory.eu)
LLM Legal Theory Master Program (Goethe University Frankfurt/Main et EALT alii)

About the workshop
Digitalization, globalization and internationalization of law and, consequently, legal education point to the need for reconsidering the foundations of law (jurisprudence/legal theory/legal philosophy, legal sociology, legal history) in order to provide students of law with the essential contexts of law and with a tool-set for understanding complex legal problems properly thereby enabling true solutions. A specific trait and momentum of contemporary globalization is the increasing role of modern IT and AI technology in general and specifically for legal research and research technology skills within legal education. Thus, the IT medium is not only one of several media of law but the guiding one provoking a reconsideration of traditional issues of legal theory (such as the rule of strictness or truth in law).
The organizing EALT (www.legaltheory.eu) provides long lasting experience in developing and realizing educational programs in legal theory as well as providing a platform for a mutual exchange of ideas and experience in legal theory education among different institutions all over Europe and on a global scale. This experience stems mostly from two decades running an LLM program at Brussels roughly in between 1990 and 2010. More recently, this program was relocated at Goethe University Frankfurt on broader European shoulders. Moreover, it has been adapted to contemporary conditions for legal theory and is renowned for the comprehensive structure including the education in the history of legal philosophy. I It has been running now for ten years.
The workshop intends to share experience among experts in organizing educational programs in legal theory. Its main target is a social one: Bringing together the many alumni and present students and would-be students of the program with each other and with the many lecturers that will be present at this congress.
After the session there will be a reception for them and the congress participants that belong to the family but are busy with lecturing in other workshops until 6.30 pm.
For more details, please watch the congress information updates before Tuesday.

Contact: l.schulz@jur.uni-frankfurt.de