Home - IVR 2024
The Present and Future of Legislative Studies
Kuk-Woon Lee (Handong Global University, South Korea) lkwoon@handong.edu
Woomin Shim (Center for Legislative Studies, Gyeongin National University of Education, South Korea) legislation21@gmail.com
Mauro Zamboni (Stockholm University, Sweden) mauro.zamboni@juridicum.su.se
The discussion of Legislative Studies has long been centered in Western countries, but the establishment of Legislative Studies as an academic discipline is still ongoing. In addition to this, the context of globalization has further complicated the academic landscape of Legislative Studies. Therefore, this Special Workshop aims to examine the current state of research and education on Legislative Studies in different countries and to discuss the future development of Legislative Studies. During the Special Workshop we will discuss topics like:

Legislative theories in individual countries
A middle-range theory of legislation in a globalizing world
Future directions of legislative studies
Legislative practice and legislative studies
Legislation and legislative education

In the dogmatic tradition of jurisprudence, there are various critical perspectives on whether legislation and legislative acts, which are often treated as products of political compromise, can be the subject of a theoretical study called Legislative Studies. However, at a very basic level, there is a structural similarity between the theory of adjudication and the theory of legislation in terms of transforming factual or political language into legal normative language. In this respect, the potential for legislative theory cannot be underestimated.

Ultimately, Legislative Studies are likely to be utilized as an education for training legislative experts in the field. In addition, there is ample room to utilize them for the purpose of civic education in elementary, middle, and high schools as well as universities. In this way, they can contribute to the further development of democracy by further clarifying the meaning of legislation in society.

In this context, we invite researchers to make meaningful presentations and debates on legislative studies and education. The outcomes discussed at this Special Workshop will be published in a renowned academic journal or book. we invite prospective participants to submit their proposals (an abstract of not more than 700 words) and a brief academic CV (under 200 words), written in English.

The workshop shall be held in English.

Submissions, contact and any further inquiries are welcome at:
Woomin Shim (legislation21@ginue.ac.kr)