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Gender, Law, and Power: The South-North Engagement and Action
Dragica Vujadinović (University of Belgrade Faculty of Law, Serbia) dragicav@ius.bg.ac.rs
Anna Zilli (University of Udine, Italy) anna.zilli@uniud.it
Damir Banović (University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina) damir.banovic20@gmail.com
This volume, Gender, Law, and Power: The South-North Engagement and Action would complement and extend the perspectives and understandings provided by books published in the series by opening a new space for dialogue—between the Global South and the Global North. Instead of taking the South and the North as self-evident and coherent discursive and political concept-entities, the volume will attempt to bring legal, gender and feminist studies scholars and activists, anthropologists, historians, and social scientists concerned with injustice, oppression and discrimination along the intersecting axes of gender, sex-orientation, race, class (and caste) from across the globe in conversation with each other. The effort will be to critically consider asymmetrical relations and structures of power, dominant socio-cultural norms, and state and legal imperatives that occasion and perpetrate inequality and injustice and explore their varied manifestations in the quotidian lives of Nation-States, gendered-citizens, migrants, ‘undocumented’ residents, and several other vulnerable groups of people. This will be accompanied by situated, context-specific studies of gender and trans-gender bias and discrimination as well as struggles against them with special focus on efforts to change laws to make them more responsive to concerns of gender as well as the impact of such calls and mobilization.

The editors invite contributions on critical race, Global-South, anti-colonial and postcolonial feminisms that seriously engage with what it considers to be the North and conjunctions and disjunctions between the South and the North in articulations of male-centric, capitalist and other forms of violence and domination that shore-up vulnerability and dispossession. Considered accounts of the multi-layered gender-based inequity in the North and its juxtaposition with the South are also welcome.

Critical and context-specific explorations of the interface of gender, international, state and national laws, struggles for gender-sensitive laws and their repercussions, non-binary dimensions of international feminism, and the interrelation of feminist theories and movements with LGBTQ+ theories would be considered seriously. Engaged and suggestive reflections on the different dimensions of law and legal practice and their relationship with gender and justice would add greater depth and richness too the volume.
Different perspectives and methodological approaches are welcome, ranging from theoretical legal and political studies to practical and policy-making contributions, national or thematic case studies, historical and comparative assessments, and domestic as well as international perspectives.

The workshop invites contributions that approach these and related questions from various philosophical, political, legal, and historical perspectives.

A later publication of accepted papers is intended in the book with the title Gender, Law, and Power: The South-North Engagement and Action, D. Vujadinovic, A. Zilli, I. Benarjee-Dube eds), within the Springer book series GENDER PERSPECTIVES IN LAW, edited by D. Vujadinovic and I. Krstic.

Submission of proposals.

All interested applicants are invited to send an abstract (max. 500 words) and a brief academic CV (under 200 words), written in English, and fill out the registration form provided in the IVR 2024 website according to the schedule provided by the Conference Organizing Committee. For non-early booking registrations, submissions will remain open from January 16th until April 10th, 2024. Applications are to be sent to dragicav@ius.bg.ac.rs, anna.zilli@uniud.it, d.banovic@pfsa.unsa.ba