Home - IVR 2024
Legal Theory as a Tool to Improve Resilience and Adaptation to
Climate Change
Maria Concepcion Gimeno Presa (University of León, Spain) mcgimp@unileon.es
The general objective of this workshop is to discuss how legal theory influenced the use of the law as a tool to improve resilience and adaptation to extreme weather events under climate change.

We invite submissions that explore:
1. how extreme weather events under climate change have the particularity of altering the traditional idea of legal liability and producing conflicts of rights, 2. the effectiveness of existing environmental regulations and the feasibility of policy proposals under development in response to the challenges of extreme meteorological events under climate change, 3. the limitations of past legal responses to such events, the effectiveness of existing regulations in dealing with projected scenarios, and the feasibility of policy proposals currently being developed to improve resilience and adaptation to climate change, 4. the evolution of the statutory law and precedents in response to extreme meteorological and hydrological events to determine how the frequency of these events caused the modification of the legal framework in its different dimensions, 5. the interpretation of legal principles derived from recent constitutional court rulings and international treaties in the context of extreme weather and conflicting rights. 6. how gender stereotypes normalized in the norms and legal practices in response to extreme meteorological events influenced its efficacy.
About the workshop sessions:
Open to all participants.
Submit abstracts (under 500 words) and a brief academic biography in English or Spanish by Friday, 26th April 2024
Language: The sessions will be held in English and Spanish.