Home - IVR 2024
The Performative Dimension of Legal Reasoning
Pablo Raul Bonorino Ramirez (Universidade de Vigo, Spain) bonorino@uvigo.es
This special workshop aims to discuss how the performative dimension of legal reasoning impacts social and legal reality to incorporate the results into a comprehensive conception of legal argumentation.

We invite submissions that explore:
1. the very concept of the "performative dimension" to distinguish it from other ideas, such as "efficacy" or "symbolic efficacy", also applicable to certain pragmatic aspects of legal discourse, 2. some typologies of relevant "performative effects" derived from legal reasoning employed in legal decision-making and justification of legal decisions (at the theoretical, legislative and judicial levels), 3. the influence of different "performative effects" on legal practice by examining the argumentative discourse of diverse legal operators 4. court rulings from international, constitutional and national jurisdictions (civil, criminal and administrative) to determine the practical impact of those performative effects 5. . the incidence of different types of "performative effects" in four situations of practical social and political relevance: (1) the use of law to combat violence against women, (2) the implementation of memory policies based on legislative instruments and judicial processes, (3) the challenge that climate change represents for environmental law and (4) the use of images as evidence in legal argumentation.,

About the workshop sessions:
Open to all participants.
Submit abstracts (under 500 words) and a brief academic biography in English or Spanish no later than Friday, 26th April 2024
Language: The sessions will be held in English and Spanish.