Home - IVR 2024
Law as Charity
Vanja-Ivan Savic (Catholic University of Croatia) vsavic@unicath.hr
Alberto Pino-Emhart (Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez) alberto.pino@uai.cl
The regulative character of law for the purpose of social order and stability is widely accepted as the core ratio of coercion accepted by citizens who want to live in an orderly system. But can we anticipate the role of law which exists or should exist for the purpose of social cohesion to provide a remedy and cure for social inequalities? Or to produce a more humane society where the underprivileged and poor would feel more included even if they are a minority? Does the law have a curative element? Does the law provide or should provide a remedy for those who suffer more in any way?

Possible questions related to the workshop include, but are not limited to:
The therapeutic nature of law.
Criminal law and reasons for accepting milder sentences or measures.
Sanctions and lifting of sanctions.
Love as part of nature, and then the nature of law.
Natural law, punishment, justification, and forgiveness.
Law as a tool of protection in poverty law.
Religious influences on law.
Religious law and origins of charity.
Different notions of charity.
Entitlement to charity.
Charity organizations and why they have a special position within the law.
Charity as collective vs selfishness as an individual.
Legal systems based on charity principle. Do they exist?

Submission of proposal

Participants can send their abstracts (around 300 words) to the convenors by March 31st, 2024.