Home - IVR 2024
Inequality against Rule of Law, Justice, and Democracy in Aristotle
Nuno Coelho (University of São Paulo, Brazil) nunocoelho@usp.br
Liesbeth Huppes-Cluysenaer (Amsterdam, Netherlands) huppes.uva@gmail.com
Theme Clarification:

This workshop aims to delve deep into Aristotle's substantial contributions to legal and political philosophy, with an emphasis on his notions surrounding Rule of Law, Justice, and Democracy in the face of inequality. Through his extensive body of work, Aristotle has laid the foundation for fundamental principles that continue to undergird contemporary legal and political systems. His thoughtful deliberations on a structured governance system, the essence of justice, and democratic ideals have long served as a rich foundation for modern-day discourse.

The significance of this workshop is rooted in its potential to bridge ancient philosophical insights with the practical challenges of modern-day inequality, nurturing a more enriched dialogue around the principles that govern our societies. Additionally, Aristotle's ideas provide a lens through which we can critically assess, evaluate, and possibly refine modern interpretations and applications of the Rule of Law, Justice, and Democracy.

By encouraging a dialogue among academics, this workshop aims to furnish a platform for reflective discussion and exploration of Aristotelian texts in a contemporary context, particularly focusing on the theme of inequality. The ultimate goal is to augment the understanding of his seminal works and the application of their enduring insights in modern legal and political discourse, thereby contributing to the creation of more informed, equitable, and effective frameworks that address the issue of inequality in today's globalized world.

Papers on this theme with different links to Aristotle are welcomed: from commentaries on his own texts to essays on contemporary issues explicitly illuminated by Aristotle and in express dialogue with his treatises. On 6 and 7 December 2023 a conference on the same theme was held in Coimbra, Portugal. The input for this conference will be published together with the input for this special workshop in Seoul.

Abstracts should be sent to the contact-persons before 15 March 2024.
Papers have to be sent to the contact-persons ultimately before 1 July 2024.

Nuno M.M.S. Coelho: nunommcoelho@yahoo.com
Liesbeth Huppes-Cluysenaer: huppes.uva@gmail.com