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Ronaldo Porto Macedo Jr.(University of São Paulo Law School, Brazil)

Ronaldo Porto Macedo Jr is a full professor at the University of São Paulo Law School. Bachelor in Law and Sociology, Master in Philosophy, Ph.D. in Legal Theory at USP.
He is the author of Contratos Relacionais e Defesa do Consumidor (“Relational Contracts and Consumer Protection”, 2a. ed. RT, 2006), Carl Schmitt e a Fundamentação do Direito (“Carl Schmitt and the Foundation of Law”, 2ª Ed., Saraiva, 2011), Curso de Filosofia Política (“Course on Political Philosophy”, editor, Atlas, 2008), Direito e Interpretação. Racionalidades e Instituições (“Law and Interpretation: Rationalities and Institutions”, editor, Saraiva, 2011), Do xadrez à cortesia: Dworkin e a teoria do direito contemporânea (From chess to courtesy. Dworkin and contemporary
jurisprudence, Saraiva, 2013), Ensaios de Teoria do Direito (Essays in Legal Theory Saraiva, 2013), Ensaios de de Direito Privado e Social (Essays in Private and Social Law Saraiva, 2015), Teoria do Direito Contemporanea (Contemporary Legal Theory, Jurua, 2017), Ronald Dworkin e a Teoria do Direito: o Direito em Desacordo (Ronald Dworkin and Legal Theory and the law in disagreement). Professor Macedo was a Visiting Scholar at Harvard Law School (1994-1996), Yale law School
(2002) and King´s College of London (2003); Visiting Professor at Goethe University-Frankfurt am Main of LL.M's Legal Theory since 2016, (Goethe Law Visiting Professor Program -Ausschreibung Gastprofessuren) (2018), University of Miami Law School (2015) and National University of Singapore of Law and Development (2013). Also, he was as a Professor of Contract Theory Center for Transnational Legal Studies - London – UK (2008) and Former professor at FGV Law School - Sao Paulo.

Wittgenstein, hinge epistemology and the Law
Ronaldo Porto Macedo Jr.
Wittgenstein's thoughts have been a fundamental source of inspiration for 20th-century legal theory. From his influence on the intellectual environment of the Vienna School, on logical positivism, and, to a certain extent, on Kelsen's ideas (through the impact of the Tractatus) to the incorporation of his vigorous criticism of the concept of rule, he developed in the first part of the Philosophical Investigations and that profoundly marked H.L.A. Hart's ideas (The concept of law). Several works on Wittgenstein and Law have been published in recent decades. However, only in recent years have the impacts of Wittgenstein's philosophy on moral thought and the On Certainty manuscript occupied a central place in academic reflection. This work explores the paths that the last phase of Wittgenstein's thought, in particular his concept of hinge epistemology, offers for understanding the legal epistemology, presenting solutions to overcome some classic debates between universalists and relativists, foundationalists and contextualists, as well as the re-reading of some contemporary authors such as Ronald Dworkin, whose ideas can receive a better justification.