Message of Welcome
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We sincerely welcome you to the IVR Congress in Seoul, which will be held from July 7th to July 12th, 2024. It is a great honor to host the IVR Congress in Korea for the first time in Korean history. Today, we face crises, disasters, and challenges in many areas of society and nations in the global world. Furthermore, while Covid 19 changed the lives of people around the world, digital transformation is accelerating.

The main theme of IVR 2024 is “The Rule of Law, Justice, and the Future of Democracy.” Most scholars would probably agree that ‘the rule of law’ and ‘justice’ are key issues at a turning point in human history. Thinking about ‘the future of democracy also shares its context with the political philosophy that seeks to protect the value of ‘the rule of law’ and ‘justice.’

The fact that the IVR Congress will be held in Korea at such an important time is of great historical significance, and we hope that the congress in Seoul could contribute to the common assets of International Philosophy and Social Philosophy. As a hosting Country, we hope that our venue could be a place where participants from all over the world can ponder over the past, present, and future of the philosophy of law and social philosophy.

We hope that all participants will savor every moment of this academic festival and the in-depth academic experience in person.

Thank you to everyone for your interest in the 2024 IVR Congress, and we look forward to seeing you in Seoul soon.